Awards Page # 50

Award # 491 - Rated 4.0 AS!
Award # 491 - Prospective Award (Silver) 2003 (CLOSED)

Prospective Award (Silver) 2003

Due to the quality of improvements on your website "Diska's Photos", we're delighted to be able to award you our Silver Prospective Award, which is very difficult to win!
Your score, according to our criteria, is the following:

ball Content criteria
264/ 300
ball Navigation and functioning criteria
250/ 300
ball Design and graphics criteria
135.5/ 200
ball Technology and innovation criteria
126/ 200
ball Bonus (Evaluators' global assessment)
  65/ 100
ball TOTAL

Didier Grau and Lionel A. Bouchon

Award # 492 - Rated 2.5 AS!
Award # 492 - Gigi's Dream Catcher Gold Award (CLOSED)

Gigi's Dream Catcher Gold Award

Your site earned enough points to win the Gigi's dream catcher gold.
Thank you for sharing your site with me.

Award # 493
Award # 493 - Rod 758 Golden Webpage Award 2003

Rod 758 Golden Webpage Award 2003

E' con molto piacere, dopo aver visitato la tua HP, che ti dono il mio "Rod 758 Golden Webpage Award 2003".
Questo per l'immenso lavoro da te svolto, per l'ottimo design, buona navigazione, nessun errore rilevato.

Award # 494 - Rated 3.5 AS!
Award # 494 - DAGA2003 Gold Award

DAGA2003 Gold Award

After careful review of your site against my program criteria, I have come to the following conclusions:
You have developed a very informative site that was a pleasure to view.
You attained a score of 250 out of 250.

Award # 495 - Rated 3.5 AS!
Award # 495 - Inside Hotwire 3D's Silver Award - (CLOSED)

Inside Hotwire 3D's Silver Award

We are pleased to announce that your website has won Inside Hotwire 3D's Silver Award.
You have presented your website well combining nice layout and original artwork.
We enjoyed our visit and thank you for your interest in our award program.
Keep up the good work!
Emmanuel Flores

Award # 496 - Rated 3.5 AS!
Award # 496 - Rose Bronze Award (CLOSED)

Rose Bronze Award

Your site provides the Internet community with a sense of beauty, wonder, and awe, as you display all of your lovely photos, wallpapers, etc ... Your site is also well laid out, easy to navigate, and has great site content ! .... For all of those reasons, you should be proud of your accomplishments. Thank you for allowing me to visit and review Diska's Photos, and please accept this honor as a token of my appreciation !
Donna O'Smollain-MacDhadhoc

Award # 497 - Rated 3.0 AS!
Award # 497 - World Wide Web Gold Award

World Wide Web Gold Award

The World Wide Web Awards are primarily designed to supply formal recognition to webmasters and designers who have shown outstanding achievement in web design content and creativity.
Congratulations! Your site at: DISKA's PHOTOS has been selected to receive the "Gold" Award, from The World Wide Web Awards. Great Site, with nice graphics, layout, design, navigation and appearance. Your site is a wonderful contribution to the internet community.
Donna Wark

Award # 498 - Rated 4.0 AS!
Award # 498 - Alcazarén (CLOSED)


Felicidades Diska, su página en ha ganado el Premio Alcazarén. Se ha evaluado el contenido, diseño y navegación de la página web Diska's Photos. Ha sido un placer haber conocido su página y nos alegramos mucho de poder ofrecerle el premio mencionado.
Nótese que el premio que se adjunta es el único que se otorga en el año 2003.
Luis Vadillo

Award # 499 - Rated 4.0 AS!
Award # 499 - CLL Website Award (AWARD PROGRAM CLOSED)

CLL Website Award

I'm very pleased by announcing, that your site "DISKA's PHOTOS" is a winner of my "CLL Website Award". Also, thank you very much for inviting me to evaluate your site, which so fine fits to my award's purpose! Your site shows, that you have been commendable careful and accurate, when creating your graphics and design. In its entirety your site is very pleasant to visit.
Juhani Kerkkonen

Award # 500 - Rated 3.5 AS!
Award # 500 - Premio Napoli Gold Award

Premio Napoli Gold Award

DISKA's PHOTOS is among the webs best and I am honored to have you listed as a winner of my award and congratulations, for winning PREMIO NAPOLI GOLD Award. The use of color in your site is simply fantastic, it is such a pleasure to award a superb site that meets and exceeds the normal standards of web excellence. Wonderful images. You have done an outstanding job creating your website. Your site has great design, is easy to navigate. Well done. Thank you for making the web a place for all to enjoy and thank you for your interest in PREMIO NAPOLI Award Program.
Raffaele Russo

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